Fair Trade


Fair trade proves that greater justice in world trade is possible. It highlights the need for change in the rules and practice of conventional trade and shows how a successful business can also put people first. It is a tangible contribution to the fight against poverty, climate change and economic crisis.

—World Fair Trade Organization

Fair Trade is a social movement and is considered one of the world’s most dynamic efforts to enhance global social justice and environmental sustainability through market based social change. The goal of Fair Trade is to help producers in developing communities achieve better trading conditions and promoting stability.


As an advocate of Fair Trade, we make sure that the producers working with the organization adhere to the principles of Fair Trade as much as possible. 

1. Create Opportunity

 As a foundation, we aim to create opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers. We support marginalized communities by giving them access to a viable market with the hopes of helping them generate a sustainable way of life for them and their families.

2. Transparency

We always make sure we are transparent when transacting with both producers and consumers; that both sides know how we work. Open discussions are made with the artisans and buyers are provided with relevant information about the product and the maker
3. Fair Trade Practices

As a Fair Trade organization, we make sure to put the well-being of our partner communities first and do not maximize profit at their expense. We make sure that we work on dates and order numbers that the artisans are capable of delivering. We provide them with an interest free down payment for materials, and retain honest and productive lines of communication with them.

4. Fair Pay

We always pay the artisans of our partnered communities the amount they deserve. We make sure that both parties agree on a value that will cover the cost of production and is sustained by the market. The foundation also makes sure that there is equal distribution of work and pay for the working artisans.

5. No Child Labor, No Forced Labor

As a foundation, we advocate against child labor and forced labor. We adhere to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and local law on the employment of children.

6. Non-discrimination, Gender Equity and Women’s Economic Empowerment, and Freedom of Association

As practitioners of Fair Trade, we do not discriminate in hiring, remuneration, and partnership with a community based on race, natural origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/Aids status or age. We also promote gender equality.

7. Ensure Proper Working Conditions

We make sure that our artisans are working in safe and healthy working conditions.

8. Capacity Building

We work as hard as possible to bring positive impact to the lives of our partnered communities. Which is why we help them market their products and teach them skills that would not only help them preserve the skills they already have, but also increase their knowledge in managing their production, and ultimately help them grow.

9. Promote Fair Trade

We educate our buyers on Fair Trade so that they have a better understanding of how we work and how their purchases help the producers.

10. Respect for the Environment

We do our part in caring for the environment by using upcycled materials to create various products that leave less waste as much as possible.